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Re: the KompleTe _newsletter_ writings of kate bush

From: Geoff Clare <mcvax!!gwc@uunet.UU.NET>
Date: Tue, 29 Nov 88 15:08:33 GMT
Subject: Re: the KompleTe _newsletter_ writings of kate bush

In his ridiculously huge article IED comments:

<In fact, Kate earned no fewer than 10 "O"-levels, which is an
exceptionally good performance.>

I think IED's (lack of) knowledge of the British education system 
may be letting him down here.  In the British Grammar schools of
Kate's school-days a significant proportion of pupils would pass 9
or 10 `O' levels.  It was common to take Maths or English (or both) a
year early, then the usual 8 `O' levels in the final year (including
an "Alternative" `O' level in the subject(s) already passed).  So Kate
may have 2 Maths and 2 English `O' levels and 6 in other subjects.

Without knowing the grades Kate obtained it is impossible to judge
whether her results were indeed "exceptional" (IMHO 6 or more A
grades out of the 10 would merit this description) or just "reasonably
good" (a lot of C grades - the lowest "pass" grade).

I have no wish to denigrate Kate's academic achievements, but IED's
comment might lead some readers to believe she is some kind of super-
genius in other areas beside her truly "exceptional" musical talents.
I doubt if this is the case.

IED, where did you find out Kate has 10 `O' levels?  And do you know
her grades?  If so, please enlighten us further.


Geoff Clare    UniSoft Limited, Saunderson House, Hayne Street, London EC1A 9HH   ...!mcvax!ukc!root44!gwc   +44-1-606-7799  FAX: +44-1-726-2750