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random comments

Date: Mon, 12 Sep 88 13:27:38 EDT
Subject: random comments

Random comments in response to items in the last 6 issues of love-hounds:

* The writing on Sinead O'Connor's hand on the album cover says PURSE
   A-Z. A-Z is a brand of map, and the list was meant to remind her of
   things to take to the photo session. This is a habit of Sinead's.
   (personal communtication)

* The 12'' single of Mandinka does exist (I saw it in Vancouver,BC)

* Saying that Suzanne Vega is better than Tracy Chapman is certainly
   damning with faint praise. Chapman is the most overrated artist of
   the year

* re IED's ridiculous quiz: He "hit that note and let it float" quotes
   someone else's (Doug's?) description of Mimi in Act I of Boheme.
   But Mimi is a "she". What are you playing at?

* Welcome Gordon Jackson of Abbey Wood. Not Gordon Jackson, the actor,

* Does everyone know how to play "The Dictionary Game"? Yes? Good.
   Now, everyone send their invented definitions of "gaffa" to me, and
   we'll read them all out and have a collosal vote. It won't prove
   anything of course, but it will at least let someone else get a
   word in edgewise.


	[ Kate once said "to hit that note and let it float" to
	  describe "that string driven thing" played by Paddy Bush.
	  Kate was probably quoting Boheme.  -- |>oug ]