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Strange Phenomena

From: (Jonathan S. Drukman)
Date: Thu, 2 Jul 87 19:29:09 EDT
Subject: Strange Phenomena

Another bizarre coincidence:  as my computer was running on autopilot
reading the latest LH digest into memory, I was setting up the VCR to
tape something off Channel 2 (local PBS) and they were showing a visual
ad for some show later tonight, but the music they were playing over it
(which is usually some dreary classical piece) was "Sat In Your Lap"!!!

Proof positive of the amazing power of Kate music:  In my office at work
(which is beginning to resemble a shrine), I have a beautiful large
poster of Kate in glorious full color behind me.  Whenever I'm stuck,
I swivel my chair 180 degrees and stare into her eyes and the answer
to my problems usually arrives quickly.  Also, I helped colleagues fix
several bizarre bugs while rolling a tape of Kate remixes.  Definitely

   Oh, a final note:  I've got this idea for the Katemas party - since
the vocal track I originally recorded for the Fred In A Phone Booth
version of 'James And The Cold Gun' is pretty horrifying, how about a
lovely group vocal?  Anyone and everyone is encouraged to stand in
front of the mikes while Joe & I twiddle the knobs on the 4-track...
Maybe we could send it to Kate later...

--Jon Drukman
"The sequencer will never let us down..."