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USENET compilation tape posting #2: GETTING ONE

From: uwvax!astroatc!gtaylor@seismo.CSS.GOV (Mr. Sharkey....white courtesy phone, please)
Date: 10 Jun 87 15:39:58 GMT
Subject: USENET compilation tape posting #2: GETTING ONE
Distribution: na
Organization: The RNA (Recombinant Noise Alignment) Institute
Reply-To: uwvax!astroatc!gtaylor@seismo.CSS.GOV (Mr. Sharkey....white courtesy phone, please)

Well, it's just about to enter this arm of 3-space fully formed:
"NETwork: the second USENET compilation" 90 more minutes of free-form
net-style anarchy of the audio persuasion. Music written, produced,
recorded and performed by your favorite net denizens. This time out
we've got another meeting with some of your old net pals (older, wiser,
more themselves than 'mersh-clones than ever) and a few new persons to
introduce you to, as well. The usual range of ah...styles prevail:
buzzsaw guitars, more arguments against the notion that MIDI systems
must necessarily produce idiosyncracy-free technopap, music derived from
formal systems, music derived from informal systems, stuff that your
aunt Mary Lou would *never* think was music. Stuff *you* may not think
is music. In short, 90 minutes of the rest of us in your ears. Turn off
the CRT, put on the headphones, and log in. No listings of rock stars
who aspirated their own frowup and died. No anecdotes about lyrics that
were misunderstood. Just noise and that sweet tang of the nonlinear

Another posting right in the vicinity of this one contains what a 
number of you asked for: a listing of who you can hear and what it
sounds like...track ordering and all. Sometime in the future, you 
can expect to see a real set of nroff-able liner notes written by the
individual artists themselves, telling you *their* side of the story.

I begin this as I always do: With a note of apology to those brave
souls who didn't quite make the deadline. I know that when you hear
the company you would have otherwise been in, you may be a little
regretful. Take heart: you have the *next* tape to begin planning for.

Also, I hereby take the full responsibility for any and all fidelity
problems and little bumping sounds between the dubs. I always try to
get this stuff right, and avoiding offending someone may well be 
unavoidable. For you who listen, please try to think of the notion os
fidelity as it pertains to a set of *ideas* rather than the Platonic
form of the recording angel's daily labors. Me a cowboy, Me a cowboy,
Me a Mexican Cowboy.

Having said that, it is dubbed off. Finished. The persons are all
snug in their little ordered slots, and that anarchy that mirrors
the net reigns once again on this one. I'm currently putting the 
finishing touches on the artwork and sending it off to for insert
printing and copying. I expect that this process will run 2 weeks from
time of receipt to completion, with a couple of 3 days figured for

This year, I'm doing things a little differently. For one thing, I'm
telling you that the thing is going to be out before it actually *is*,
eh? This is so you can hurry up and get me a check in the mail. This
way, when the actual things show up, I can get them packed up (having
hopefully, accumulated a bulky bunch of orders at once) and get them
out somewhat more en masse than before (when we blew out our lunch hours
regularly sending things out). I hope that you'll all be patient and
forgiving if I let the tapes collect and mail them out about 2 times a
week. I'm trying to fix what I thought of as the pain in the kiester
parts of this process.

Also, this time the price has gone up. In part, this finances something
that I wanted to do last time out: everyone who appears on the cassette
will get a free copy for nothing--all 20-odd of them. It is my hope that
you'll find that acceptable.


for your own copy of this wonderful cultural artifact, just take the
handy form I'm appending and fill it out in full. Then stick in a check
or money order for the proper amount (PLEASE, PLEASE, don't write me
bouncing checks this time, okay? They cost me about $10 every time one
hits me. Thanks.) and send it off. Of course, you're free to distribute
this to your friends and all that. Ciao, my friends. I look forward
to hearing from you all.

_____handy appended form_____________________________________________

Hey, Greg: What a great idea! Another USENET tape! I want _____ of
the little suckers for me and gifts to other units. I've enclosed
$6 for each of the little suckers, plus another buck (make that
a buck and a half for two or three, please) for postage and the jiffy
bag and the gas. That comes to _____ for the whole thing. I'll just
drop this in the mail to

	Gregory Taylor
	602 Russell Street
	Madison, WI 53704



and then practice that instinct for deferred gratification for which
I (choose one) ____ am known ____ need to strive.

____ P.S. I've enclosed a Krugerrand for you. I simply can't keep mine,
and you deserve a drink for all that hard work you've been doing. Pick
up an RC and a Moon Pie next time you're over to the drug store next to
the post office. You're a heck of a guy, considering your origin and
tastes. A real credit. 

____end of handy form_________________________________________________

PS: Sorry I couldn't manage a trip to USELESSNIX this year. Maybe 
next time.
A silence so rare/more than I can stand/sweeps like a flood
through life's flesh and blood/and steals away/with my heart.
Gregory Taylor:[...ihnp4!nicmad OR ...uwvax]!astroatc!gtaylor