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Re: Kate-echism IX.6.ix

From: Dave Hsu <>
Date: Thu, 11 Jun 87 01:38:52 EDT
Subject: Re: Kate-echism IX.6.ix
Organization: The Royal Maryland Wormucking Institute

>OK, Dave, what's the riddle? IED never was any good at 'rithmatic.

No riddle, really.  Just another Katemas reminder; I liked the way it
looked on my screen when I put it together.  Except that I'd forgotten
to compensate for the propagation delay through the network (and for the
time-dilating effects of Beef Wellington served at 1 am) so I was actually
one day off.  Oops.  But it would have been the same as if I'd said "Hey
you, yes, you over there!  50 days left!"  Hint hint, nudge nudge, say
no more, eh?

>And what's the relation to "Blade Runner"?
>-- Andrew

Nothing.  Honest.  Insofar as Kate has yet to make any allusions to a
Ridley Scott film, I was just sitting there in the wee hours of the
morning, wondering what to use for a subject line, hopefully something
more eye-catching than another of those "re:" thingamabobs like the one
you see atop this article.  Suddenly, some stray process in the back
of my mind decided to simultaneously associate birth/death, intensity
of purpose, unrefutably brilliant audio-visual craftsmanship, and
(of all things) precipitation.  I didn't happen to have any good quotes
concerning Mr. Scott handy, but the line about Roy Baty's mortality
just stuck in my mind, so up in the header it went.  It was not meant
to imply anything about Kate's projected lifespan.

Besides, it's a memorable scene, n'est-ce pas?


p.s. thanks, Joe, for pointing out the error in my .signature.  The
signature file (which _still_ doesn't say "50 days until Katemas"!)
with a correct phone number (ooh, aah) appears below.

Did I mention that Katemas was a mere 50 days away?  I know I must have...
David Hsu					Mere Mortal
ARPA:			UUCP: seismo!mimsy!eneevax!hsu
USPS: 10 Magazine St #1006, Cambridge MA 02139	Ma Bell: (617) 868-1847
"Everyday the dreamers die"