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KonTemporary KaTastrophe

Date: Sun, 07 Jun 87 11:46 PDT
Subject: KonTemporary KaTastrophe

Rob Aitkin's explanation of his earlier posting is noted with
respect. He seems to have been aware of the shortcomings of his
original comments, and his clarifications of them make much more
sense. Anyway, everyone is entitled to his/her opinion, naturally.
     Just to follow up on something else Rob said about the
idea that some pop is made for "the sole purpose of making money":
IED honestly doesn't think this happens very often. It's certainly
true that most pop music made today is very bad, very empty and
dense with tired musical/lyrical cliches. Unfortunately, the
explanation is all too often not calculated cupidity on the part
of the music-makers (which would at least signify intelligence
and talent), but simply a lack of musical character. Even the
latest from Whitney Houston (in this listener's opinion the nadir of
contemporary non-music) seems to have been done with a lot of
self-deceiving enthusiasm and pathetically misguided conviction
in the quality of the work. That's the real tragedy -- the people
making the bad music are just as deaf to the awfulness of their
creations as the poor, benighted morons who buy it.

-- Andrew