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Kate and The Cold Gun

From: (Jonathan S. Drukman)
Date: Wed, 3 Jun 87 19:01:30 EDT
Subject: Kate and The Cold Gun

> [From MarK T. Ganzer:] I never thought they were, and a little
> comparative listening proved it to me. First, the EP version has a
> piano intro, where the video doesn't.  The drum flurry following the
> opening chords are not the same. Then, the first verse on the video
> starts 4 bars later than in the EP ( try playing the song over the
> video to see this). Also, the inflection in Kate's voice in the
> opening word "James.." is much different, as is her inflection
> throughout much of the song. I didn't bother to go much further to
> prove ...

Those were exactly the things I noted, and I tried to make |>oug see
reason, but he would have none of it.  Anyway, here's something bound
to stir up controversy: I think that the EP version is much superior
to the Hammersmith Odeon version.  It's got so much more punch to it!
(And I don't mean just sound quality, although that helps - the
brightness of the opening piano chords is phenomenal).  Opinions?

	[Okay, okay, maybe you're right... --|>oug]

> [From Andrew Marvick:] OK, so it was twenty years ago today. So?
> Isn't it even MORE significant that it was sort of approximately
> FIVE years ago today that T H E D R E A M I N G was more or less
> finished, sort of?

Oh come on now!  Much as I adore Kate and much as I am convinced that
The Dreaming is certainly one of the greatest albums of all time, I
can not let that sort of remark go by unnoticed!  Has "The Dreaming"
had anywhere NEAR the impact that "Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club
Band" had on popular music?  Not by a long shot!  Whether or not one
is better than the other is not for me to say.  But come on, let's
give the Beatles their due, eh?

--Jon Drukman
"NOTE: Your parents had the last laugh"
  --Douglas Adams, "Bureaucracy"