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From: (Joe Turner)
Date: Wed, 3 Jun 87 13:57:07 EDT
Subject: Katemas

"she's here... she's here... she's here... (giggle)... she's here!"

Yup, as people have been pointing out, it's THAT time again.

Since it seems that I've done this for the past two years, might as well
make it a tradition and make th' official announcement....

                               THIRD ANNUAL
                           L O V E  H O U N D S
               * * * * * K A T E M A S  P A R T Y * * * * *

                            DATE:  Katemas, when else?
                            PLACE: Well, it's always been at Doug's
                                   place, but let's face it, Doug's place
                                   is a little small for the multitudes that
                                   inevitably show up.  I can offer my abode
                                   as a location; it comes equipped with a
                                   nice stereo in the living room and a stereo
                                   VCR in the den...

                            EVENTS: Food.  Kate music/videos.  Other music &
                                    stuff.  Beer (and a bucket for J. Rossi).

                    `A splendid time is guaranteed for all'

If you wish to bring media of some sort, in either case of location there will
be a VHS vcr and both tape/disc/vinyl equipment.