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misK on noT this time

Date: Sun, 10 May 87 16:49 PDT
Subject: misK on noT this time

About Jon's suggestion that the line is "You keep me going, you
keep the shit away," it does seem to fit the general thrust of
the song, but there are some other apparently contradictory
lines in it, as well, and besides, "To keep me going, to keep
the shit away," makes much better narrative sense in relation
to the line which directly precedes it: "Too-lee-yay's what
I say..." With your version, that line loses connection with
the one which follows. However, you have a point, in that the phonetics
are a little vague about the 't' sounds. Another problem with
your theory, however, is that the line seems to make more sense
with "to", to wit: She sings this private little melody ("too-lee-yay")
to herself in order to maintain her self-possession -- her rationality
in the midst of her over-powering involvement with this lover. Then,
at the very end of the song, she returns to this image,
shouting out: "Come on! We all sing -- too-lee -yay..."
as though leading a kind of mass therapy session -- SANITY THROUGH
SONG, so to speak.

-- Andrew