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Removal From List.

From: (James B. Hofmann)
Date: Thu, 7 May 87 16:02:44 EDT
Subject: Removal From List.

It has come to my attention that some crybabies have implicated me into
doing something I didn't do or was associated with someone who was "wrong"
about his language.  These tearjerkers didn't confront me directly so I 
have basically been accused in abstentia.  As a result, I was called on
a very small carpet and asked to explain myself.  I denied everything and
have been vindicated.  However, I do not wish to associate with "your kind"
anymore and am asking to be removed from this mailing list.  If anyone wants
or has started a mailing list where freedom of speech and other basic
rights are guarenteed, I'd be glad to participate.  Until then, you'll just
have to content yourself with restrictions.  I ask anyone else who disagrees
with what is going on to contact me and boycott this list until my absent
accusors confront me directly with an apology.

- jim