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Ferry Aid review

From: (Jonathan S. Drukman)
Date: Fri, 24 Apr 87 15:47:29 EDT
Subject: Ferry Aid review

IED writes:
> For the record, IED has been thinking about that
> vicious review of the Ferry Aid single which he
> posted in L-Hs a couple of weeks ago, and he has
> decided that it was really over the top. Whether it
> was written in the belief that it bore no relation
> to the disaster itself or not, there's no denying
> that it had the effect of ridiculing the whole event,
> not just the artistic result. For that he apologizes.

Gee, IED, you sure _are_ mellowing out, aren't you?  (Must've listened
to "And Dream Of Sheep" once too often...)
But seriously, you shouldn't have to retract your views on a work of
music simply because of the motives behind it.  If people read your
review with the proper mental attitude, then they would have realized
that you concurred with the motivation, but not the end result.  That's
what I saw, when I read it.  For the record, I haven't heard the single
yet, but based on your report ("chorus of monumental seamines..."
"smarmy guitar solo")  I can guess what it sounds like, and the thought
of it sickens me.  I didn't enjoy the Kate/Steve Harley/Peter Gabriel
version of the song either.  Much as I dislike McCartney nowadays, I must
say that his version of "Let It Be" is how the song was meant to be
performed and the idea of turning it into an anthem, no matter how noble
the cause, puts me in a fit of pique!!  So forget the retraKTions!
Ignore the deranged ramblings of those who seek to glorify a song
because of its good intentions.

Actually, it's pretty stupid anyway -- we *know* that all the teenyboppers
(and Kate fans) will eat up the single in their millions simply because
they can hear Boy George and crew all on one hit record.  The cause will
get its money whether or not the product is one of quality or crass.
Stick to your guns IED!  To quote the song currently on the stereo: "Don't
give up!"

Yours In Support,

"How do I keep such a straight face?"
    -- Ralph Snart