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[Love & Anger] [Gaffaweb]


Was walking up Durant this afternoon, guy coming down the street toward me.
Fat, black hair & beard, sunglasses, baggy Van Heusen shirt or the like, slacks.
I.e., pretty nerdy.  Had immediately recognizable plastic red & yellow Tower
bag in hand.  Could tell there was only one record in there.

But even from that distance, something in the back of my head told me that on
passing him and glancing at the back of the bag, I would be able to make out
the silhouette of a scrawny-looking sycamore-like tree indigenous to arid
portions of the U.S. Southwest.

Sho nuff.

Apr. 24-25 @ Cow Palace, mail order only, the bastards.

Friend blew chance to see them filming video on top of some building in LA -
they apparently had one day to do it before they had to go out on tour.
Hurriedly filming footage on nearby freeways etc...

Also, (this will sound disquietingly naive), where do people see all these
obscure videos?  (Obscure in this instance being anything the big M doesn't
play, i.e. not so obscure).  Do people go to clubs that often, or is there
another outlet?


[Gaffaweb] [Love-Hounds Archives]