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[Love & Anger] [Gaffaweb]

"You can't hear me" msg

IED Writes:
>Not clear what the other passage you refer to is (presumably not
>the part right after the "mystery" track where the line "We see
>you here" is sung backwards several times.) This, too, will be

The sequence I was referring to is at the end of "WYWM" and goes like this...

   You didn't hear me come in -

 me-b-oh-b-listen (?)

    em reah nac ouy  ("You can't hear me" backwards)

l - stn - o - e - aby - elp - e - aby - tal - to - (etc.)

    em reah nac ouy  ("You can't hear me" backwards)

   You won't hear me leaving.

                                         Erik Olson

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