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[Love & Anger] [Gaffaweb]

big dipper, Ideals

> some members of the Suns and some members of Dump Truck just recorded
> an LP that's due out next week.  I have no idea what the band name is--

You're probably thinking of Big Dipper. Their bass player played
with both Dumptruck and Volcano Suns at different points in the past.
They have a new record out on Homestead which sounds quite good to me,
a little on the pop side of the fence, but generally pretty eclectic.
Also in the band is a former member (singer I believe) of the Embarassment,
legendary band from the Midwest a few years back. They're on tour as
we speak, and well worth checking out. 
	The Ideals are from Austin, and contains a couple of members
(gtr & bass at least) of the Hickoids. They have an album out as well
which I haven't heard. It's good shit, but actually pretty civilized in
comparison with the Hickoids (name kinda sounds like somethin that gets
caught in your throat?), who were a truly unique brand of hardcore-meets
cuntrified blues-y slop, with cruel slide guitar and crooning vox. Their
album contains a cover of the Hee Haw theme, no less. 

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