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More anti-IED fodder ...

    	I was just sitting there ... minding my own business, reading my
Love Hounds printout, and I come across this gem (from IED - who else?):

	"If you look at her rate of production ... she isn't really that
slow.  Bruckner didn't write his first symphony till he was more than forty;
ditto Brahms -- and he only finished four in his lifetime."

	Pelt me with rocks and garbage if I'm wrong, but is IED alluding
that our beloved Kate (yes I *am* a huge KT fan) produces music which is
comparable to Bruckner and Brahms?  I really hate to open a can of worms,
but I really can't see the comparison.  I won't bore you with an analysis
of complexity and it's applications to a symphony as opposed to one of KT's
albums.  "God!  Please don't start the quality/complexity debate again!"

	IED:  You can't expect anyone to believe KT's music is as complex
as one of Brahms' symphonies, can you?


	"Where's the fish?  ... And he went ... wherever I ... did go."

					- The fish interlude in M. Python's
					       "The Meaning of Life"


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