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KTThrash with Kate

All this "Underground vvs Kate" stuff makes me point out that the band
I'm in, FRED IN A PHONE BOOTH (yes, Jon Drukman and I are the band), did
a cover of "Wuthering Heights" as a hardcore/thrash tune.  Ya know what?
Sounded pretty fuckin' intense, and it worked.  Douggie-poo heard it,
and said it was chill, so if he sez it was chill, then it was chill, 'cuz
he's a keesh dude...

IED, I had occasion to pick up my handy-dandy four-track and try out the
"We let the weirdness in" bit.. I tried it by saying "We let the weirdness
in" on one track, and "And they said they wouldn't let me in" on another
track (backwards).  It sounded correct.  Sickeningly easy to do, too.
Kate had a great idea, but let's not go overboard on congratulating her
on it!

Off to play "Watching You Without Me" backwards...

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