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Fav Songs and Reasons Why

From: Wenner.ES@Xerox.COM
Date: 24 Feb 87 16:49:00 PST (Tuesday)
Subject: Fav Songs and Reasons Why

Hi jon, 

Glad to see my msg got through, it was kind of a test of the return
paths as much as a comment.

It's impossible to be positive about everything; my main point was that,
as an observer listening in, yahoos trying to denigrate each other in
the name of music criticism offer little new knowledge, other than
statements about themselves.  I work with enough bozos first hand, no
need to read other bozos' net postings in my spare time.

Your comments are well taken, I appreciate your sharing them with us.
My music tastes tend toward the attitude, "Show me why I SHOULDN'T like
it"; I'll try my darndest to get whatever value I can out of any musical
statement.  Being a guitarist, I tend to zero in on rhythmic content,
though I enjoy good tonal texture creation, as well, if it's got a
reason for being.  Some of the lyrics coming out are incredibly
observant and thoughtful; my hope is to resume my songwriting with even
a sliver of the perception and musical integration of, say, Robert Cray.
Bands like the Tail Gaters, Firehose and Husker Du are "power trios", in
the good old 60's terms, but have got so many facets to their
presentation that I'm quite impressed.  I've read a lot of pans on the
Husker's "mellowing", but since I play acoustic 12 string, too, as well
as electric, I look on their diversity as one more asset; constant 110
db just doesn't have the impact without some neat interludes, like they
did on the last lp.

My music budget is almost exclusively dedicated to building up my
4-track studio right now, at as fast a pace as this Day Job here at
Xerox will let me, so I'm pretty out of step with new albums, except for
the cuts they play on the radio.  KXLU here in LA has a pretty good mix
of thrash, reggae, space pop, and most "styles" notched in between that
spectrum.  It's a great alternative to the current trend toward
"Classic" rock [read, anything made before '80, or made by someone
that's been AROUND before '80 :-)]  Nuthin' against that format, just
don't try and call it "progressive".  Your insights on what you're
hearing, along with everyone else's, is a big input for me right now.
Doesn't necessarily mean I'll change what I'm playing, but it IS an
inspiration to get my facilities back to performance-worthiness.  Keep
those thoughts flowing!

Aside to John Hogge, let's hear those 80's garage rock reviews.  Sounds
like a little GRIT might not hurt Love-Hounds too awful much.  Sorry,
but I missed most of what this IED character put out recently; my loss,
right?  ;-)

Let the games proceed,

NonJim of Redondo Beach, CA