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Getting shed of IED

From: Chris J. Valas <cv%linus@mitre-bedford.ARPA>
Date: Fri, 20 Feb 87 16:22:11 EST
Subject: Getting shed of IED
Posted-Date: Fri, 20 Feb 87 16:22:11 EST
Posted-From: The MITRE Corp., Bedford, MA

I say, if you are going to be offensive, get professional about it:

IED used to really piss me off badly, so I wrote the following GNU
emacs lisp gem, and you all can use it too...

Put this in your .emacs file:
;; load rmail extensions (which load rmail)
(autoload 'rmail "rmail-plus"
	  "Rmail and personal extensions thereto
are loaded on demand." t)

Put this file somewhere downline in your load-path (call it

(load-library "rmail")

(define-key rmail-mode-map "b" 'kill-ied)

(defun kill-ied ()
  "Rip his fucking lungs out."
  (let (start end hit here (more t))
      (goto-char (point-min))
      (while (or (progn
		   (setq here (point))
		   (search-forward "From: IED0DXM" (point-max) t))
		   (goto-char here)
		   (search-forward "From: nessus" (point-max) t)))
	  (if (search-backward "[][][][][][][][][][]" (point-min) t)
		(beginning-of-line 2)
		(setq start (point)))
	    (setq start (point-min)))
	  (if (search-forward "[][][][][][][][][][]" (point-max) t)
	      (setq end (point))
	    (setq end (point-max)))
	  (delete-region start end)
	  (setq hit t)))
    (if hit (message "IED's shredded."))))

It does Doug too!  Actually, I kind of miss old Doug....

Now, whenever you fire up rmail, all this shit will get loaded.  And
whenever you hit a new message file from love-hounds, you can read
down until Marvwank starts to bug you, then just hit the 'b' key and
watch the fucker disappear before your very eyes.  This was written
some time ago, and it could be better and cleaner, but it works
gloriously and I have better things to do than to continue wasting my
time with shit that IED says.

By the way, just for you purists who demand music with your postings,
has anyone heard of a Dallas band called The Gash?  I've got a demo
tape that rules.  No, Hofman, you can't get a copy.

Any more about a new Captain Beefheart record?  There've been some
sniffings....  we need the stench of creation.

VALAS (not you)