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From: Jim Hofmann <>
Date: Fri, 2 Jan 87 08:39:02 EST
Subject: Sonark Yuth/ SR / Al'ke bait/ FE
>The rest of the album is also bitchen. If the noise gets to you think about >what you thought of Kate's voice the first time. An incidental thing that >impresses me is that, rather than just shit on everything like a lot of noisy >"alternative" bands, they really seem to be trying to construct something, >to say something. Have they been reading a lot of Crowley and Reich? Hah! Why do you think they called themselves _____ YOUTH? The guys like HARDCORE, testestain, and however Untrendoi it is, you'll have to admit most of the progentitors (and quite a few of their succesors) made EVERY song MEAN something, and hopefully something important - tho' tempered w/teen-age rage/rant this didn't sit too well w/ the illiterai - Now, here comes Sonic Youth who say they like h-core (or at least Thurston does) and do thrash at times - is it any wonder? But they probably read Crowley and Reich - New York is one of the few places you can find the Re/Search line, huh? re: Sav republic >Mood music, I guess, but not Windham-Hill style. Hof' might even like this >album. After your description, I don't think so. >I realize all the hep people already know this and look down their noses at me >for stating the obvious, but I must look like a hep person to someone and it's >for their edification that I say what I just said. IF you're looking for peer approval, you came to the wrong place. [ insert regular inflammatory remarks here] and furthermore your tastes in music would make a Benidictine Monk shoot junk! --- James "who isn't so self-concious that he has to put long disclaimers in b/t his first and last name and would rather do crack with the Grateful Dead than have to read long disclaimers" Hofmann P.S. New Forced Exposure is out w/ int.'s w/ Butthole Surfers (the Amy Carter story is included, Jimmy Carter has touched Gibby's dick by proxy) and w/ Larry Wallis (anyone know the Pink Fairies?) and a Peach of Imortallity Tour Diary (who? ask wicinski) AND if that ain't enough, Steve Albini writes a guide on how to be a social retard and Tesco Vee smuggles a missive out of jail where he is serving time for speeding. Tons of rec reviews/ video reviews / show reviews... overall seems to be fading but where else can you find an interview with Hasil Adams? (POB 1611, Waltham, MA - send 2.50) P.P.S. Hey, anyone think perhaps Wicinski and Karen Finley would make a great couple?