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From: munnari!goanna.oz!wjb@seismo.CSS.GOV (Warwick Bolam)
Date: Wed, 17 Sep 86 12:00:28 EST
Subject: Dreamtime

 >From rossi@NUSC.ARPA ("ROSSI J.A.") Sun Sep 14 13:16:00 1986
 >Subject: OK
 >Message-ID: <8609132259.AA10256@EDDIE>

 >As for Aboriginal culture, I think its fair to say that among most
 >of the hidden civilizations found by western man, the Aussies had
 >the most insight into what they were undoing.

Sorry, this is just not true!

 >Be it by the fact that the Aussies wewe themselves outcasts, or
 >whjatever, much more Aboriginal culture exists as an important part
 >of Australian lore than does, say, our understanding of the Plains

This isn't true either!

 >Also, unlike the South African situation, the Aboriginals were
 >discovered quit by and were not purposefullu hunted and persecuted.

And neither is this!  Aborigines were exterminated in the state of
Tasmania, and massacred in numerous other places.

Also, "The Dreaming" is a reference to Aboriginal spiritual culture.
They believe in a time called "The Dreamtime" when the world was created
and gods walked the Earth.

Warwick Bolam				CSNet: wjb@goanna.oz
Dept of Computing			UUCP:  seismo!munnari!goanna.oz!wjb
Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology
124 La Trobe St				ARPA: munnari!goanna.oz!wjb@SEISMO.ARPA
Melbourne, Victoria 3000