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Balloons / One more try to gain Coitus Exposure

From: "ROSSI J.A." <rossi@nusc.ARPA>
Date: 11 Sep 86 19:29:00 PST
Subject: Balloons / One more try to gain Coitus Exposure
Reply-To: "ROSSI J.A." <rossi@nusc.ARPA>

1) About the Balloons :  I actually heard this on BCN on the day I went up to
Beantown for Doug's party.  Basically, the producers of the show were looking
for some novel gag for the Island.  Apparently, a weather balloon came floating onot
the set.  Somebody decided that it w(this transmitted over phone, please bear with me|)
onto the set.  Somebody got the idea that it would be a great gag if they had
a lot of bouncing weather balloons lokong nasty.  They did it.  There was
no symbolic message intended.  There was no forethoughout, they just thought
it wou}ild look neat.  Similarly, nobody puts deep introspective meaning
to most Hollyweed special effects, they are just there for the effect. 
I think that this whole thing is recounted in some biographical douche-book
about The Prisoner somewhere.  The main point is that there was no real meaning behind the balloons.

Now, about Coitus.  Since I>'Dve last made the offer, there has been the
Net Tape release of the band in quasi-live action.  Several people have made
comments about Psychadelic Nightmare in these pages.  Well, here I go again.
I have a7{ open invitation to anyone who would like to explore the cosmos via 
Coitus' eye.  No more -send your own tape- what I will do now is provide
a high quality (Maxell UDXLII, TDK-SA or equiv) C-60 ntape of the best of
Coitus (much live with intros and audience remarks).  Your cost -----
$4.00 (I figure about $2.00 for the tape, $2 for the labor).  The only
net-people who have heard much of Coitus' stuff are Greg Taylor and Valarie
(?).  Avbout 6 people responded to the last offer but I was unable to get in
touch via net-mail.  What I propose this time is that if you want (or think
you want) to explore Coitus' interpretation of thje musical universe.  You send
me mail at Rossi@NUSC.ARPA to tell me of your intentions.  Bearing in mind that
I have an idiot mailer at my disposal make your net-address as clear as 
possible.  Include a real UYSA mail address and appropriate phone numbers.
Bill Hsu  and Mr Richardson, I'm sorry that I couldn't communicate.

[Since I last mentioned this, I mixed 60 min of what I think is the best of
Coitus onto VHS HI-FI tape so everyone will now get the same selection of
tunes, mixed the same way.}tr]

Greg Taylor !!!! Note : I still haven't got a copy of Net-Music tape.....

Well, hatge to communicate by modem (GTE!!!!!).  

'Who goes there?'
