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HotB, Dave Stewart

From: Robert Stanzel <alliant!apollo!rps>
Date: Mon, 7 Jul 86 10:25:50 EDT
Subject: HotB, Dave Stewart

While seeing "Home of the Brave" (yes, I'm usually the last on the block)
two questions came to mind:  which Fassbinder film IS it?  And what's the
cylindrical, horizontally-played instrument used in "Sharkey's Day" et al?

Also picked up last year's Dave Stewart/Barbara Gaskin album "Up from the Dark".
On CD, it's very long; they must have included all the singles -- unfortunately.
It's real drivel.  Half the cuts are covers, including a very precious one
of Dolby's "Leipzig".  There's little of the old Dave Stewart, and the
National Health sound isn't much there, either (most of NH participates).
If this is Gaskin's fault (who is she?) then she's more evil than Madonna!
Oh well, back to those 15 year old Egg albums...  
