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Smiles all around.

From: James B Hofmann <hofmann@AMSAA.ARPA>
Date: Mon, 30 Jun 86 13:05:22 EDT
Subject: Smiles all around.

Sue writes:
>I am going to start a fanzine.  I'm bored, that's why.  If you would

Good luck but the world is saturated towards overflow right now...
and it should prove QUITE frustrating.  How about forming a pirate
radio station instead?  The Robinhood people in Baltimore are starting
a local free new music publication, btw, maybe you could help them?

J.D. is a mediocre writer (much like his friends).  Why doesn't
he hang it up and get a real job?

>As for sending out free records to critics, what the hell's wrong
>with that?  

Because we the record buyers are paying the overhead for promos,
that's why.  Most critics write pretty meaningless drivel to help
enhance their egos.  Personally, I'd rather have a well-educated "describer"
than a critic.   This is one of the reasons I like Sound Choice
over the overpriced, less copy/density "Musician".