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T. Dream / VHS Hi-Fi

From: "ROSSI J.A." <rossi@nusc.ARPA>
Date: 6 Jun 86 13:18:00 PST
Subject: T. Dream / VHS Hi-Fi
Reply-To: "ROSSI J.A." <rossi@nusc.ARPA>

I just got back from a trip to DC and Philly (Apparently, the NUSC VAX
cluster blew up, or something while I was away, so I have not seen any
issues of this digest between May 23 and today so pardon me if this is a
rehash of anything which transpired previously).

While traveling through Philly, I heard some Rock station giving away 
tickets ti an upcomming Tangerine Dream show.  I was stunned, since TD isn't
something usually mentioned by DJs between cuts by Led Zep and Bryan
Addams.  So, I stopped the car, put up with about 30 min of more of the
bland Rock fare, and sure enough, there is some promotion for the movie Legend
going on, and there was a contest for TD tickets.  Now, I'm sure that if
Tangerine Dream are comming tpo Philly, they must be on tour.  Does anybody
have any details, is it just starting, Is it over???  If there is a tour
are Boston, Hartford or NY on the list?  If anybody has an opportunity to
see this band perform live, it is worth it (interesting music via electronics,
an unusual paradox).

As for the movie Legend, if you liked Sword and thge Sorcerrer, you will love
it.  Same plot (in general), much better visuals, much more fantasylike than
any movie I've seen.  Even Tom Cruise (SP?) was not objectionable in the
movie.  Of course, however, the main drawing ticket is the Tangerine Dream
soundtrack.  This is by far there finest soundtrack to date.  The traditional
sequencer ostinatos were absent, the music is much more reminiscent of their
early stuff.  An interesting combination results when Jon Anderson does the
vocal track with TD in the background (I don't thgink I could tollerate a
whole album of that particular combination, but it probably has a lot more
musical possibilities than the Vangellis combo).  Unlike Vangellis, TD usde
Anderson's voice as an instrument (even with age, I still have to admit Jon
Anderson has one of the most musical vocal expressions in the business, Falme
away !!) as it should be used.  Roxy/Ferry fans will also appreciate the
final track (credit background) by Brian Ferry (no TD).  So if you like TD,
enjoy fantasy movies about elves, gobblins, and very large demons (Tim Curry),
or feel a strong sexual attraction to Tom Cruise (and could put up with him
even with sholder length hair) than you should see Legend.

Finally, I have ordered the Kate Bush Laser Disk of the video compilation.
Hopefully, it is up to the sound quality standards that LaserVision is capable
of.  I also ordered the concert at the Hammersmith LV disk.  Unfortunately,
it appears that in the short run, the only way to get decent coppies of
the HoL videos is to do VHS Hi-Fi recordings from MTV getting the audio
from the FM stereo simulcast mode.  Has anyone done this?  Has anyone ever
recorded MTV in Hi-Fi?  If so, is the quality sufficiently worth it to
keep a deck ready to record the videos if and when they are played?
