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I think ...

From: My Swingset is bigger than Your Swingset <hofmann@AMSAA.ARPA>
Date: Tue, 3 Jun 86 9:06:37 EDT
Subject: I think ...

Therefore I Thrash (eh, Alfke?).

Jim here (the guy who doesn't read your insipid comments but
feels free to randomly slag or praise anyone I feel like)
for more Hardcore torture  (scream, wankers, scream)...

Earle - I have a Gargoyle Sox address - but I can't construct
a decent workable comspewter path to your holiness's mbox ...
perhaps you can get in touch so I can give you the address?

But first an apology to our English readers ... Apology???

Fuck NO!!!!  But really - there's this group out of England
that plays some original tunes that I like - their name is
Part 1.  Also, I like the Fall now (after putting This Nations
Saving Grace side 1 on repeat and falling asleep) due to
subliminal seduction a la Brix (slobber, obsess, drool) who
is second in my rock wimmen lust pantheon to Tex and her
nylons and Kim Sonic effing Youth and Henry Rollins (who
has great thighs! ... heh heh - is hofmann or isn't he?).

Hey, like if i use "fag" in conversations and that makes me
homophobic like what if I use "hamster" in a conversations ...
does that make me hamsterphobic?

Yawn?  Greg Earle spent $70 on records - tell the whole fugging
world ... Danny Dax still sounds like Low-Rent Nina Hagen, though.
Nina RULES!  Hey, Greg you are indeed a demi-God in my book.

OK - here's Jim (the raving, condescending, flaming asshole
of the 's major label buy of the week - Run - DMC...
first diagnosis or prognosis is that it sucks - I'll try again
later.  Rick Rubin (star of Krush Groove and all around sexy
dude) does the producing/mixing and as some way implied - he
doesn't produce as much as he reduce ... minimalism has hit
the street, art-wimps - time to come up with different doctrines!

I read an interview in Maximum Rock and Roll (bible for hardcore
punks which rules) with the Raunch Record people and they called Enigma
and Homstead major labels because they have list prices on their
LPs.  I think the inner groove from the Sonic Effing Youth said
"destroy ALL labels" ... so maybe they were talking about pigeon-
holing that they receive from the hardcore populace and from the
art-testes populace, I don't know.  Thurston Moore wrote an
alternate "scene" report in Maximum Rock and Roll and let me
tell you - it rules and comes in your mouth.  (sound of Greg 
Skinner, amateur censor, teething).

Well, as usual, I've enjoyed this - especially since I don't
have to read your whimpering replies (except if you have enough
gaul to send me a poisonal copy to amsaa!hofmann or hofmann@amsaa
or whatever - - - 

"keep on thinking free" - Moody Blues (whoa!)

P.S.  Hardcore rules and synth shit, like, submits, dudes.