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Sarcastic Orgasm. . .

From: Swingset Disaster <hofmann@AMSAA.ARPA>
Date: Thu, 15 May 86 12:35:20 EDT
Subject: Sarcastic Orgasm. . .

Here's a review I sent over to a local zine on sarcastic orgasm

 on May 10, 1986.

Two bands from D.C. played last Saturday.  Never heard of any of these
two from the regular D.C. grapevine and babblezines.  SARCASTIC ORGASM
are worth seeing - their attitude reminds me of A.O.D. but their 
music is orginal.  They approach hardcore from the jazz/improv end but unlike
a lot of others are pretty successful.  The singer does a great drunk and
ate a dog bisquit I gave him.  Synth player switches from keyboards to
trumpet to violin feedback to metal guitar like you and me change underwear.
Some little leather clad kid exclaimed after one number, "You guys blew
me away and you aren't metal!"  6 to 8 dancers doing the slamorgy thing -
you know where the couples roll around in the pit.  One particulary cute
young thing in a black flag shirt catches my eye.  Ah, youth.

Next band, PUNCHLINE does the early C.o.C. imitation quite well.  Seem
to be emerging from cover band status and include about three going 
thru Van Halen (Atomic Punk sounding better than the original) and
others.  They threatened to do Led Zep but instead did a H.R. cut up
(who they say is in jail ... so is Joseph I - so there must be some
good jamming going on there) ... their originals give them five up and
coming stars from me.  I want to hear them again.  Fast as shit, the
guitar is metal, the singer is punk, the rhythm is speed - the result
is speedmetal.  See them, they're the best around the area in this
genre.  Oh yeah, the dancing?  on and off - some older fellow with
a pink mohawk was putting the young kids to shame. Haven't seen him
around so I assume he was one of the band member's parents?  

First band, THE UNDECIDED were ending as I showed up.  It sounded like
they were doing a cover of "Salad Days" ... pretty good. 

DAG NASTY never showed - the word is they broke up! That's three Dischord
bands in this year!  Who's next?  SCREAM?

								- hofmann