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From: Tim Wicinski <wicinski@nrl-css.ARPA>
Date: Mon, 12 May 86 06:54:11 edt
Subject: I don't think so...
Rossi sezs: >For example, I have noted a remarkable change in the moralistic attitudes >of college students in the last 3 or so years. Initially, this change was >reflected in concern for third-world and developing countries. Most recently >the avid student protests concerning South Africa investments are of >interest... Doubtful, they're really after the almighty dollar, just like before. Now for some reason they've decided that protesting things which were basically 'safe' was a cool thing to do. These 80's kids remind me of the hippies of the 60's: I mean they got bored of fighting for their ideals and decided to join the human race, and they became the yuppies of today. They all sold out pretty much to the machinery, and in a big way. It's kind of sad to see these thirty-plus year old cretins trying to defend their actions for becoming the way they did. these 80's kids will protest and become active for while, then get bored with it, and finish their education and become part of the machine they think they despise.