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Bauhaus/TOnes on Tail/Love and Rockets

From: LoveCat%UMass.BITNET@WISCVM.WISC.EDU (Fidelis E. Orozco)
Date: Thu, 1 May 86 12:39:03 EDT
Subject: Bauhaus/TOnes on Tail/Love and Rockets

The tones on tail alubm (3 EP compilation) is very mellow mood
music...very much like the Love and Rocket's album "Seventh
Dream of Teenage Heaven"...The TOnes on Tail album "Pop" or
"The Album 'pop'"(U.S. pressing) is much more upbeat...more
or less, the two versions of Pop are the same with the exception
of two songs or so.  I'd suggest buying "The Album Pop" and buying
the 12" of the song "Performance".

The Love and Rockets single "If there's a heaven above" is from their
album, and is as mellow as most of the songs.  However, their second
single "Ball of COnfusion" is very upbeat and very Bauhaus-ish.

Bauhaus' sound is...hmmm...  well..
(yech! I can't describe it!)
well..I'll let someone else answer that!

You may want to check out: Final SOlution by Peter Murphy (vox of Bauhaus)
                           Dalis Car by Dalis Car (Peter Murphy, Mick Karn)
Final Solution is very much like the more dancable Bauhaus tunes.
Dalis Car is more soothing synth music...

Fidelis Orozco