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New Bill Nelson

Date: Mon, 28 Apr 86 15:04:11 EDT
Subject: New Bill Nelson

It's out, it's out, it's out!  At long last, the new Bill Nelson album is
out.  The title is "Getting The Holy Ghost Across" and it's on Portrait (UK),
a division of CBS.  I've only had since Friday to form impressions of it, but
so far, I'm impressed.  The music is intricate, beautiful, and overall
seamlessly performed.  The flavor, for those who are Bill Nelson fans, is
mostly that of such past peices as "Another day, another ray of hope", "The
October Man", "Eros Arriving", etc...  ("The Love That Whirls" period, I
basically).  If you are not familiar with the artist, then I guess the
closet current comparison would be David Bowie's more recent music, with more
intricate arrangements, and a bit more feeling (personal judgement there...).
If you're taste in music lies soley with the 'entergy and emotion over
thought' school of music, you will probably find this boring.  If your
horizons are broader, or if you just embrace the 'complex music for complex
emotions' doctrine, then you will probably love this album.  It's a little
slicker than some of Nelson's earlier work, and may not be his greatest, but
I still think it's well worth listening to...

                                 -Peter Lee

     "You broke the code
      But not the spell...
      What's the difference?
      Who can tell?"
                                 -Bill Nelson, "Wildest Dreams"