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From: David M. Hardy <HAADAV@MITVMA>
Date: Wed, 9 Apr 1986 09:50 EST
Subject: Abba

I actually own one (1) Abba record.  It's the single of a song called "The
Name of the Game", and I bought it because every time I hear it it triggers
a whole series of great memories about a certain 10th grade trip down to
Washington DC.  We drove down, and on the AM-only radio in the car this song
must have come on 10 times or so, although I've lost actual count over the
years.  Many pop songs of that era trigger such memories of different times/
events, and I love to go back and relive them occasionally, especially after
a particularly difficult day/week at work, or whatever.  I'm sure that some
of the stuff I listen to now, although it isn't (mostly) commercial will do
the same thing to me in a few years, so it doesn't seem all that different to
me.  It's all music, and I personally can't find fault with pop/commercial
music just because it IS pop/commercial, and I'm not thrilled by a lot of it
that's out now.  But that's just my opinion.

                   "Will the action you take change the way that they feel;
                    the way that they see you?  And you run from your room
                    and you slam all the doors to say no (NO)!"
                                             >>> Dave