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From: (Bill Hsu)
Date: Thu, 13 Mar 86 11:05:00 EST
Subject: Cocteau

Jean Cocteau was also associated with (but not one of, I don't think) the
group of French composers known as Les Six. Their spiritual mentor was
Satie, and most of their music was a neo-classical reaction against
romantic excesses. Try Poulenc's piano concerto for some humorous fake

Cocteau also wrote words for operas and musical works for the stage, including
some stuff with Stravinsky. Most of the music Cocteau was associated with
does not sound like what I've heard from the Cocteau Twins. Probably just
another cute meaningless band name (I love cute meaningless band names :-)

Many of Cocteau's contemporaries considered him to be a diletante and
did not take him seriously. His novel Les Enfants Terribles is fun if
you're into decadence...

Bill Hsu