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From: (Tsun-Yuk Hsu)
Date: Mon, 3 Mar 86 10:51:13 EST
Subject: Oops...

Thanks to Peter Alfke (sp.?) for correcting my attributing Shakespeare to
T.S. Elliot. I WAS going to check my copy of Waste Land before babbling,
but NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO... And I have a well-read copy of the Tempest too...
(insert symbol for extreme embarrassment, foot-in-mouth, red face etc.)

Pseudo-music question of the day: I saw Woody Allen's Hannah and Her Sisters
twice this weekend (how's that for a recommendation? :-) There was a
scene in the movie with Woody Allen in a nightclub making faces while
this band is playing on stage. I thought the band looked too "camp" to
be real, but the cast list at the end named them as "The 39 Steps". Is
this a real band? Has anyone seen them? They're your basic quartet of
lead singer, 2 guitar/bass players and drummer. Just curious...

					Still Embarrassed
					Bill Hsu