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From: "ROSSI J.A." <rossi@nusc.ARPA>
Date: 22 Feb 86 22:08:00 PST
Subject: Octobre
Reply-To: "ROSSI J.A." <rossi@nusc.ARPA>

In actuality, the French band Octobre, is really a Quebec band.  In the
mid to late 70's, the4 band was quite popular throughout Quebec and they
made substantial inroads to other markets.  Like most good Quebequois rock
acts, they fell prey to the local idology that all good is French.  This
was probably the only mistaker the band made, since they did appeal to the
English speaking public.  I believe that their final demise came soon after
their live appearance at the St. John Baptiste festival in Montreal in 1976.
Since this was the highpoint of the new 'FRENCH' government in Quebec, too
much political emphasis was placed on the band's worth.  At the same time,
other bands with promise (Harmonium being the easiest to recall) also 
started to flounder.  Contemporary acts which were English based, and not
nearly as good (e.g., Mahogany Rush) did well as they defied the French
influence.  Annette Workman is probably the only top performer of that
period to go on to go from French to English and then back to French
(now apparently doing jean comercials on CTV).  
Sorry, to go through this as a history lesson, but I still live in that
musical period.  If Tom Waits (who is one of my favorite performers, by the way)can have his period, I can have mine.

