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Old and orphaned responses

From: think!harvard!bu-cs!sam
Date: Sat, 15 Feb 86 18:18:42 EST
Subject: Old and orphaned responses

> post 1977 (right Shelli??? Jesus Christ Superstar my foot (OUCH!)
> thass hippy musak from the 60's or some other lame decade)...

Oops, sorry...I was just being BORN in the late sixties...

>> Zula: Next Year in Jerusalem
>>       (** The obvious alternative for Jews **)

> You're not thinking of converting are you?  And you really want to
> brainwash the impending kids the *your* religion, don't you?

Oooo...low blow, Doug!  Just because not all of us are hedonistic
pagans...!  [Blessed be.  --Doug]

By the way..correction: it's Zola, not Zula.  I know you'll all be 
rushing out to buy the album.

Suzanne Vega, Left of Center:

Yikes!  How can you not like it, Susanne? I love it...but then
again I like Madonna, so I suppose my opinion doesn't carry much
weight...  :-)

[Well, I like it too, and I can't stand Madonna, so maybe that carries
some weight. -- Doug]

>> Do you ever wonder what your fellow Love-Hounders and
>> contributors look like?

> Yeah, so I went and visited some of them.  They always look totally
> different than you expected.

WHAT?  You mean I wasn't as cute and charming as you expected????

[No, at least 52.7% more cute and charming than expected.  But then
liking Madonna is at least -31.8%...  --Doug]

Marillion:  Are they the ones that do "Kayleigh"?  [Yes --Doug] Great
song, except for the chorus.  Cute video, too.  What's that other song
of theirs?

Other questions:
I heard a song on WFNX (Boston) today that I loved, except I was in
the shower and really didn't hear the DJ when he said who it was.
I could've SWORN I heard the word "October".  Does this ring a bell
to anybody?

What movie is "Left of Center" from?

Question about somebody who's not really down our alley of 
conversation: Does Bob Dylan have a song called "Desolation
Row"?  And if so, what the heck IS Desolation Row referring
to?  If anybody wants, I can post the lyrics for somebody's
wise interpretation.  I really like the lyrics...I hope the
song's as good.

"When I first heard there were problems in the Middle East,
I thought they were talking about Pittsburgh!"
