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From: Doug Alan <nessus>
Date: Tue, 3 Sep 85 01:46:04 edt
Subject: Kate in Blitz magazine!
There is an interesting article/interview with Kate Bush in the September 85 issue of Blitz. It's a very nice article and gives you a very good idea of her personality. Some interesting quotes: "Taking so long a break made me realise what was important, which was my work much more than being famous. I did think it would be harder coming back. Actually, it's quite exciting, coming out to a Brand New World, meeting people, not being locked away... communication's a really important thing." The phrase drifts out like a wisp of smoke; she says it to herself as much as to me. Did you miss it at all? "Actually... no. I didn't." It's almost a whisper. Then a smile. Like a secret. ... "When I come out into the world like this, it's only to say, 'Here's the album', so I can get on with the next one. ... Who do you do it for -- yourself, for family, some vague immortality... "I'm not sure. It's very important for me that my friends and family... It's almost to say, 'I'm writing this and I want it to be as good as you'd like it to be', like choosing a present... The immortality of the music, it's an extraordinary concept isn't it? People say I'm a perfectionist, I insist on things being right. But I don't know that anything can be perfect. When you're making it, though, you know it's going to be like that *forever*..." She says it like a child: simple, astonished, overawed. She holds her breath. ... Is the single about the notion it might be better to be dead -- 'Doing a deal with God, get him to swap places', 'Running up the hill' to Heaven, to be where He is? "That's a *nice* interpretation. It's very much about love, really, trying to keep it alive. I don't know that perfect love exists in any human being but I don't think it can be encouraged enough." ... Certainly the impish, demure, modest, meek, very plaintive person I met didn't resemble the stern, impressively *disturbed* figure, clad in cloak and crossbow and proud, dramtic stare who stepped challengingly into the soft smugness of the Wogan show [where she performed RUTH -- Doug] the night before. Nor the voluptuous, ferocious creature who lies, breathless and abandoned, over the next LP sleeve. I wonder, turning the rumour on its haed, if it isn't in fact the severe isolation of her life rather than the greedy glare of press and public that gets to her most. Ooooooh! These interviewers get to hear the album and see the album cover way in advance! I'm so jealous! There is also a little tiny bit on Kate Bush in the Aug 31 1985 issue of "No. 1". Basically they just printed a full page picture of her on the inside front cover and included the lyrics to "Running Up That Hill" on the table of contents page. This magazine seems very strange in that their average reader (from the letters and pen pal section) seems to be about 13 years old, and likes Madonna and Duran Duran. Yet, the editorial staff seems to go truly enjoy insulting the likes of Madonna and seems to really like Kate Bush. In the letters section, there is a little picture of Kate Bush dressed in her Babooshka outfit with the caption "Madonna? Kim Wilde? Huh! Who needs 'em. Kate Bush is back with a vengeance." Any one understand this strange phenomenon? -Doug