Cloudbusting -- Kate
Bush In Her Own Words
Are you
still in touch with her or is it pretty much a fair accompli?
Dave: Well, my involvement with her career specifically stopped at the moment that I sold her on. I retained a small financial percentage on the tracks that I did that were on the first album, and I got my expenses back out of EMI when I sold her on. I sold the tapes to them for what it cost to put them together. I haven't had any financial interest in her career.
Are you still friends?
Dave: Yes, I see her quite often. I actually sang some backing vocals on her last album on a track called `` pull out the pin.'' (c.1983, chez david gilmour interview)
Dave Gilmour of Pink Floyd fame gave you your big break. How did that come about?
Is that you singing with the female vocalists at the end of dave gilmour's _there'sno way out ofhere?
Like Dave Gilmour himself actually [Being a more emotionally based guitarist].
Oh, I think everybody is realizing that now actually...
Gaffaweb / Cloudbusting / Subjects / Dave Gilmour