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Re: (Fwd) Re: Kate honored

From: (Faerymouse)
Date: Thu, 6 Nov 1997 16:06:23 -0500
Subject: Re: (Fwd) Re: Kate honored
To: <>
Organization: AOL
References: <>

>Ah, that anyone would be TA herself.  In case you missed it the first 
>two times I posted it... I direct your attention to this excerpt:
>Page 10  -Middle column of three, Bold Large type fills half the page
>"I've been hearing comparisons with Kate Bush for over 10 years -
>before I'd heard her work.  But people don't say I sound like many
>guys and I've been influenced by more men than women."
>This leads me to belive that miss amos is claiming that her KaTe-like 
>'style' predated her exposure to KaTe by 10 years.  This would 
>suggest that KaTe did NOT influence her.  Contrary to the RS 
>interview... I will have to get the issue from home to get the direct 

well ya know, she could have been influenced by her later in her career, you
 know, after she heard all the comparisons. my take on it is this: (and will
 state first that i tend to like kate more than tori. not that it really
 matters.)  We Kate fans think Kate is wonderful and great and that she dosn't
 get the recognition she deserves. well, she goes to great lengths to keep her
 life private and not do a lot of promotion. which is great if that's what she
 wants, but also a double edged sword. she doesn't tour, she rarely gives
 interviews, she takes 5 years between albums. there is nothing wrong with this
 persay. why does tori have such a following? because she tours. she puts out
 albums every two years. she meets fans before and after any show, and will
 talk to them about anything and everything, sign stuff, hug them, have her
 picture taken with them. she's very outgoing with her fans. I have no doubt
 that Kate too loves her fans, but she is a very different personality type
 from Tori. So yes, Tori gets lots of press because she puts herself out there.
 Kate prefers not too, and to each his own. And I think some Kate fans are a
 bit resentful about the fact that Tori gets so much attention. I never really
 understood the TA-KT comparison because (a) they sound nothing alike to me,
 other than having great vocal range, but so what. plenty of other singers in
 the world have great range. (b) Tori is MUCH more piano based then Kate
 nowadays. (c) their writing styles are completely different.  But hey, it's
 just my opinion. I could be wrong. 

| i always wanted to be commander in chief | 
      | of my one woman army. - Ani |