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From: Lane Stephenson <>
Date: Mon, 22 Sep 1997 15:00:51 -0500
Subject: Stuff
To: Love-Hounds <>
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God help me, I'm about to take on Don.  Where did I put my asbestos

Don wrote:

> And what do YOU know about high school dropout Diana that makes you think
> she's anything other than "a cutesy airhead"?
Correct me if I'm wrong (and I know you will) but didn't Kate drop out
of school as well?  Multiple 0 levels notwithstanding, does this in some
way diminish her contributions in your eyes?

As to the favorite album cover poll (good thread Don), "Lionheart" beats
out "The Dreaming" by .00001 points.  I just love the lighting and
composition of the front photograph.  Least favorite is "The Red
Shoes".  Yes, it is a good concept, and it does relate to the title
track, but I remember the pang of disappointment I felt when I got it
because there was no current picture of Kate.   She is one of those
women that has gotten more beautiful with age, but pictures of her from
the last decade are rare indeed.  Someone please call EMI and tell them
that the new album should include a 20 page photo booklet, as well as a
companion 2 hour interview/performance video.  Just saying it could even
make it happen.

S'rioghal Mo Dhream

"Now is the place where the crossroads meet.
Will you look into the future?" - KT