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Date: Fri, 12 Sep 1997 18:33:01 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: correKTion

IED miswrote as follows: "Of course, Ron's pique is understandable given that
he was had by this Nesser character, but it is truly unfair to direct his
anger at Karen -- or indeed at IED, who had a hand in the temporarily
suspended CD project."  

Ron never expressed anger directly at any of us, so IED apologizes for this.
 Just his paranoia coming back to muck up the waters.  For the record, IED
genuinely sympathizes with Ron's situation.  It is really infuriating to be
taken by a bootlegger, particularly when the product isn't just of inferior
quality but positively philistine in nature.  He also appreciates Ron's
detailed descriptions of the CD, which no doubt rescued IED and many other
Love-Hounds from suffering a similar fate!

Best to all.

Andrew Marvick (IED)
S               R               I