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Kate & Fifth Element connexion

From: (Leslie Vermeer)
Date: Mon, 7 Jul 1997 09:40:15 -0600
Subject: Kate & Fifth Element connexion
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

>It so happens that the female lead in the film, Milia Jovovich (who plays,
>appropriatly enough, the supreme being), is by chance also an aspiring
>singer, with an album already out (Divine Comedey by name, if I remember
>rightly) and she claims Kate Bush to be one of her major influences.  I
>have heard but a snippet of this album via the net, but what I heard (a bit
>of a song called 'reaching from nowhere') did indeed ring of Bushness.
>Possibly worth a listen.

It is indeed called "The Divine Comedy" and is uneven but generally
listenable. Some "Bushness", I guess, mostly thematically. Milla writes
about UFOs, suicide, abusive relationships, poverty, alienation... Very
"atmospheric". Does anyone know whether there's been a follow-up release?
