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Pseudo-Moderator speaks

From: William Wisner <>
Date: Tue, 25 Mar 1997 19:51:06 -0800 (PST)
Subject: Pseudo-Moderator speaks
Resent-Date: Tue, 25 Mar 1997 19:51:17 -0800 (PST)
Resent-Message-ID: <"DmW0ED.A.TVF.t0JOz">

Apologies for Love-Hounds's brief hiatus; what started as a simple operating
system upgrade to Gryphon turned into a three-day-long headache.  That's over
now, though, and the new improved Gryphon is going strong.

Now, the news:

* Some of you have noticed a change in the format of Love-Hounds digest
  messages.  You're right.  The list is now brought to you by different
  (and much better) mailing list management software.  Digests now conform
  to the Internet standard MIME message format, which allows certain mail
  packages which understand the format to automatically burst a digest into
  its component messages.  Unfortunately, some older mail packages appear
  to not handle this format so well, causing messages to appear, well, icky.
  My advice: upgrade.

* Due to misadventure a few days worth of messages failed to be archived
  properly.  This will cause a gap in the Love-Hounds archives unless I can
  obtain a copy of those messages.  If anyone has saved copied of all the
  messages since the list's hiatus, please contact me (individual or digested
  messages are fine, as long as the set is complete).  Do _not_ send me the
  messages themselves, as I will probably get several offers, and don't feel
  bad if I don't write back to you.  I'll only reply if I need you to send
  the messages.

* I am signing up a Associate Pseudo-Moderator to help with list maintenance.
  Over the past several years life and work have continued to impose more and
  more on what I jocularly call free time, which has put a continual squeeze
  on my ability to deal with issues in a timely manner.  The Associate Pseudo-
  Moderator will help with day-to-day maintenance issues rather more
  frequently than the once or twice a week I tend to manage.  Please, don't
  write to me offering to volunteer; the thought is appreciated, but the fix
  is already in.  In traditional taciturn Pseudo-Moderator style, don't
  expect the Associate Pseudo-Moderator's identity to become known until the
  need arises for him to post to the list in his official capacity.