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MNhE (Mna Na h'Eireann)

From: Wieland Willker <>
Date: Thu, 02 May 1996 09:19:22 -0100
Subject: MNhE (Mna Na h'Eireann)
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
Sender: owner-love-hounds

Time for an abbreviation. MNhE?

John Warren wrote:
>Some news from my new ICE Newsletter (Int'l CD 
>Exchange, a newsletter dealing w/ upcoming releases) : 
>A new album of put together by Irish 
>producer/performer Donal Lunny, called Common Ground , 
>due May 28, w/ new songs by Kate Bush...
>The article also mentions EMI plans to released an 
>"enhanced CD" in Sept, w/ video footage, translations of the 
>gaelic, etc. 

Hey! This sounds promising. Are there TWO different releases? One due to
May and the enhanced one in Sept.? PDFM? 

Best wishes

PS: I STILL can't hear "Columbia". But it seems EVERYBODY else can hear it.
Very strange. 

("Roger that, Dan, I've got two MNhE's here. I'm locked on number one. And
this is NOT 'Columbia', this is 'Nostromo' speaking! - Dan?")