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lost digests

From: Peter Walder <MAILER-DAEMON (>
Date: Sun, 31 Mar 1996 09:12:09 +1000
Subject: lost digests
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

Dear Whomsoever This Reaches,

        Having been absent from my trusty computer for some time owing to
work commitments, I left in the sure knowledge that it had been set up to
vacuum up all of the love-hounds digests that so often fill my reading time
with pleasure. Also in my absence, unmentionable miscreants of the lowest
kind managed to totally screw up the whole arrangement, resulting in the
loss of a substantial number of digests. After fuming for a while and
considering various methods of not-so-nice physical and mental torture on
the offending parties (which I still have to carry out) I sat down and had a
bit of a think. Would it at all be possible for anyone out there in
electronic land to send me the admittedly large chunk of files which are the
love-hounds digest V12 #65 to #106 inclusive? I realise that it is a big
ask, but it may just be possible that anyone doing so will reduce the risk
of me developing severely anti-social and homicidal tendencies directed at
certain computer illiterate wastes of space.

        Kind regards,

        Peter "a brain is a terrible thing to waste" Walder

P.S. My e-mail address is

 \          /  |  "Needle-nadle-nu, to name but a few."
  \        /   |   -Ned Seagoon, The Goon Show.
   \      /    |
  (--)  (--)   |  "Cogitor Ergo Sum - I am thought
      ||       |   about, therefore I am." - some Latin guy.
    \____/     |  "     " -mute philospher.