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PHOENIX - The probl. lyrics, Interim Report 1

From: Lord Chief Justice <>
Date: Thu, 08 Feb 1996 08:21:49 -0100
Subject: PHOENIX - The probl. lyrics, Interim Report 1
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Organization: Zentrum fuer Netze, Universitaet Bremen

Demo Lyrics (considering Emmy's and Bryan's contributions. Oh, and Jonathan's 
one-liners. ) 
Please read on to the end! New good idea about "And ???? music..." in Scares Me 
These demos are so absolutely brilliant!!! The more I listen to them, the better 
they get. After some time your ears ignore the noise! 
These opaque lines, I really love that. 

I will now discuss very short your suggestions here: I've left out the polite 
phrases, to keep it short. There's no insult intended. In contrary, I am very happy 
about everything! If you post 100 wrong lines, but one correct or helpful one, 
everything is forgiven! 

Thank you Emmy! Thank you Bryan! 

[ordered by date!]

After careful rethinking Emmy Mae Bronte returned from 1847 and wrote: 

> Anyway, just a final thought about the demos.. Could 'You Were The Star' on 'The Early Years' possibly be an early version of 'Hammer Horror'? 

Yeah, very good idea! Could be...


>>And can't see you. 
>>You've seen your ..[?]. Dali    [your -en- Dali?]     
>I've seen your room, Dali? / lives in your room, Dali? 

Sorry, wrong. Questionable is only the "your-en" bit. I agree with Bryan about 
"own", see below. 
Anyone who thinks that this song is NOT about 'Dali' is a complete inane idiot. 

Where Are The Lionhearts
>>A burning sword. 
>>I'd like to cry. 
>>I look into her eyes. 
>>I see she's sitting long days and night. [?] 
>     I'm looking into her eyes and see she's seen ..  [?] 

It's very difficult to decide between "I look" and "I'm looking", but you have a 
good point here. I tend to "look". Another thing is, one can't hear the "I" 
before"look". She sings "cryyyyyy-looki-into". 
The next line begins def. with "I" and not "and". Also "seen" is too short. It sounds 
more like "seedn" or so. See Bryan below. 

Rare Flower
>>I'm not allowed to touch on lust, 
>                            => touch and lust? 

Good point again! It sounds like "on", but "and" makes def. more sense! 

>>It's calling me. 
>>Would I've ever see him whisper of  [?]  
>=>with a magazine-whisper     

Sorry, I can't hear this. "see him" is def. correct, IMO. Does "see s.o. whisper" 
make sense? I think you and Bryan (see below) are wrong here. 
>Magical world enchanting me  =>Magic of it enchanting me 

Maybe it's "Magical WORD"? Fits better to "whisper". 

Btw. I really like: "Give me one second to succumb."   :-)
What about a new T-Shirt:
Give Me One Second
     To Succumb! 

While Davy Dozed
>>I stayed the night in your arms. 
>>Over half an hour I stayed awake, 
>>Looking at you. 
>>Your face seemed radiant.   [radianced?] 
>                          => radiant 

Maybe the "ss" at the end are only echoes? 

>>The walls ---------,   [to stear?]     <---- VERY DIFFICULT!! 
>>With a crack emerge.
>=>The wall with the ceiling with the crack remembers 

Very good idea, but difficult... Mmmh, it sounds like "emerge", but this makes not 
much sense. Other opinions? 

>>While na-na na-na-na na-na-na Davy dozed. 
>>I closed my eyes. 
>>- ------------------- 
>>       [you likes the time is close for us to go?]    <---- VERY DIFFICULT!! 
>=>Realise the time is close for us to go 

YES! YES! That's it! Very good! 
One fixed! Hoorray!

Jonathan wrote: 
>>  [Where Are The Lionhearts (On the Rocks)] 
>>  ... 
>>  Climbing up the adders  [meaning ?] 
>>  To slide down the adders 
>She's just GOT to be singing "climbing up the ladders" although it certainly sounds like adders when I listen. 

She def. sings "adders". 
Thinking of this board game "snakes and ladders"... 
[It is played with counters and dice in wich "ladders" afford short cuts to the 
finish, but "snakes" oblige players to descent to nearer the starting-point.] 
So it's very likely, she MEANS ladders. The only question is, was "adders" 
intended? I mean "adders" simply sounds better. Maybe here's sound more 
important than meaning? 

Now to Bryan:
Bryan! Thank you for your positive and very accurate response! 
You "Home-demos"-CD bug indicates nothing about anything original, I'm afraid, 
because it's a re-recording from recocrds, "Cathy's Album Vol. 1+2" I presume. 

You wrote:
> You'll have to help me on PDFM, I'm fully ready to kick myself, etc. 

That's Homeground-Peter (HG-P)! :-) Please, don't hurt yourself. When nobody 
can help, I always call for Peter, but "HE WON'T ANSWER ME!" (I've called him 
by every name I know, BY EVERY NAME I KNOW...). 

> Well, I'll have to admit, I do not have a copy of the tape, nor heard it ...

Ooh, sorry. Anyone out there with a copy? The Phoenix broadcast 1982? 

Nobody can be sure, but I tend to Winfrey. Anyone ever heard the name "Rinfi"? 

> it is very hard to hear the supposed word "time" in: 
> Ooh, a very, long, long time. 
> I'd vote for dropping it. 

Yes. There's 'something', but not more than a vague short sound. 
Maybe we should write: 
Ooh, long, long, long ...t(-ime)....
to indcicate, that we KNOW it!  :-) 

> You've seen your -en- Dali 
> sounds a bit like a slurred "own", which makes ok sense. 

So, "own" is okay then? 
What IS your OWN Dali, btw.? Maybe the song is about a specific Dali painting? 
Debris everywhere? 
Several other questions arise here. First she says "SHE keeps her gallery." But 
then "distance means nothing to ME". So, who is who? Later: "Answers and 
treasures for HIM." 
"Deeper here lies hidden, answers and treasures for him..." This sounds very 
'Dali'-istic to me. Maybe this song is about the transformation of a painting into 
music? Ferry me over the music? 
Oh well, we should fix the lyrics first before starting the interpretation. 

Where Are the Lionhearts 
>> You fall for all the men 
>> You shouldn't fall for at all."      [it all?] 
> could be, but it's so difficult, and I think the sentance is more reasonable as is (ie "all all"), but I see the meaning the other way. A case of never will really know. 

So, you prefer "it all"? I do. 

>> I see she's sitting long days and night. [?] 
> I can hear this, if I read this, but I think the line: 
> I see as she's seen, the long days and nights. 
> can be heard, and I prefer this one. 

Yes! Both versions are very good! Interesting. And I must admit, I prefer your 
version now, though it's very uncertain. Emmy has "She's seen", too. Any other 

The Craft of Love:
> My ears hear: 
> But worried about getting hurt. 
> even though my lyrics had "I'm" squeezed in there. 

"about" is okay. 
No "I'm" can be heard. 

> I still think the line about "Tiny Fish" is most excellent, 

Yeah, I like it, too. Funny line. Simply pure genius! 

Something Like A Song: 
> Rest and sing: "Lover oooooooh                      [? 'Lover' uncertain] 
> "Oohoo, ahoo, oohoo, ahoo, oohoo, ahoo, hoooo" 

> I heard this for my first time yesterday, the 'l' is vague and so too is the 'v', perhaps I need a better recording! Perhaps we need to stop imagining this? I'm not 
100% convinced of it's existance. 

There's def. a word. To me the nearest approx. is "lover"! Can you think of any 
other word? 
You agree that it is "Rest and sing"? Other idea: "Rest and sink."

Frightened Eyes 
>> They're gazing out windows, 
>> At any English country gardens. [At?] 
>I could hear "in" instead of "at", and the thought of what people do on buses, makes "in" more reasonable. 

Okay, everybody agrees with "in"? 

Nevertheless, you'll do. 
>> Nevertheless, I do.    [I hear "I" here, not "you'll"] 
>Now you point this one out, I do too. You must have been listening hard. 

I give my very best. I'm listening to them very often at the moment. :-) The 
positive thing is that your ears ignore the noise after some time! But on the other 
hand, you more and more hear only what you want to hear. 
Btw. I have VERY good headphones Vivanco ifl 2000, ifl= infront localization, 
highly cool! 
What we need are fresh, new listeners/ears! 

Rare Flower 
>> I'm not allowed to touch on lust, 
>> I've gotta get a hold of myself. 
>> I must-----doo-doo-doo-doo-doo...   [I mustn't admit it?] 
>I see what you mean, but... OK, you get my vote. 

A similar thing, from You Want Alchemy: 
"Making love for the peaches. (what they gonna do...?) 
Daaaaaamaaaaakiiiiindaaaaa honey."  <==this is somewhat heavier, though. 
I think Peter Chow (It's in the trees...) unravelled this line. 

>> It's calling me. 
>> Would I've ever see him whisper of  [?]	<---- VERY DIFFICULT!! 
>> Magical world enchanting me [?]		<---- VERY DIFFICULT!! 
>> why I've gotta get a hold of myself, 

>I have written: 
>It's calling me. 
>With a menacing whisp-er, 

I can't hear this, sorry! No chance. I'm sure it's 
"Would I've ever see him whisper" only the "of" is uncertain to me. 
What do other love-hounds think? 

> PS Do you hear the bad note in the piano intro! Yes, but she blocked it fast! No big thing, but, yes, it's there. 

While Davy Dozed 
>> The walls ---------,   [to stear?]     <---- VERY DIFFICULT!! 
>> With a crack emerge. 
>> As I held you. 

>This one is just so impossible to make out, but I do like Emmy's version of this: 
>The wall with the ceiling with the crack remembers 
>Sentance fine, syntax good, meaning and imagery perfectly sound. 
>She gets my vote! 

Okay, I give in. There are damn echoes in there, always at the end of the 
sentences. This is interesting. "radiant" <-> "radianced", "remember" <-> "emerge". 
Can this "..erge" be an echo? 

> don't forget the "ooh" in "Over the moon -ooh- over moon. ooh-ooh" 
> and later (final one): 

Yes, I have these. 

> Also note the difference (which seems to often be over looked) 
> between this and the TKI version: 

I have these too. 

Scares Me Silly 
>This one requires some discussion: 
>> The vertigo, the need to lose." 
> This sounds mostly correct to, "a birdy" does not fit the scared concept, 
> whereas vertigo fits the tingly in the stomach feeling of nervousness. 

So, I think it's okay then? 

>The next line, a choice: 
>> I try to put it all in, do it for you   #1
>> I try to put it on it, do it for you    #2
>> I try to put it all into it for you     #3
> I go for #3, but they all sound like it, they all make sense. 

I prefer #1, other opinions?

> This one has more chance of someone *really* having the lyrics since it was studio produced. Perhaps we could wangle this one out of Kate, perhaps via KBC, it 
IS a particularly good catchy track too. 

Maybe via PDFM (=Homeground-Peter. Can you hear me?). 
I promise to buy ten CDs of her next album! 

>OK Next verse: 
>> Swimming amid the cans, 
>Well I hear "Singing", but again not clear enough! 

You hear "Singing"? Great! I would like to take it, but unfortunately it sounds a 
bit more like "swimming". Makes sense, too. "Swimming" = no idea where I am. Can 
you agree? 

>Then later, more choice: 
>> It's like a music balance 
>> It's like a film - such balance/colours 
>> I always hear: It's like a moon sex balance.  :-) Wie. 
>So we seems to agree (mostly) on Balance. 
>I definately hear "film", and couln't "sex" be "such"? ie: 
>It's like a film - such balance 

Okay, accepted, sounds good, let's take it. 

>> I close my eyes to the cello solo,  [? more like "our" ?] 
>Well I hear no "our" words, and I think "the" is very clear. 

I meant "our eyes"! Makes no sense, I know... 
Maybe it's not "eyes"? To me it sounds like: "I close our highs to the cello solo." 
What do you think? What can you close to a cello solo except your eyes? 

>> And make the [?] music.          <---- VERY VERY, VERY, VERY DIFFICULT!! 
>> will never let me blow away. 

TARAAH!! New idea!! 
Is it maybe: "And **ethnic** music will never let me blow away." 
it sounds more like "eightnic", but maybe this is accent? 
I really jumped up from my seat when this struck me! 

>Last "chorus" now: 
>> It's recording your representative 
>but Scott does hear "sentative", so do I. 
>I suggest: 
>It's recording you, they're so sensitive, 

Yeah! That's it! Definitely! 

>>Oozing without me, filling over with secrets. 
>fits bother versions quite well, although "filling" could be either "brimming" or "spilling". The first time through "secrets" does not sound quite right, perhaps the 
two are different! I'm sticking with what I have above, but I can change on "filling". 

This one gets my vote, too! I think it's "secret" both times. 

I completely forgot to mention the BACKING VOCALS on Scares Me Silly!!!! 
I really hope for our all health that no one will ever discover any backwards 
masking on this track! 

Babooshka (piano only) 
>> Uncanny how she 
>> Reminds him of the [his?] beyond see [?] [hills beyond sea?] 
>I thought we'd said before it was: 
>Uncanny how she 
>Reminds him of his former finance. [STORMIN' NORM: "fiancee"!] 
>which fits fairly ok, but I can see why she changed it in later versions. It sounds the closest too, but you never can tell! 

"Fiancee." Oh, yes, that's much better! Accepted. 

> So who thinks computers would be able to do speech recognition 
> to the level of understanding people speaking? 
> If they do, someone save their Kate demos, and see what it comes out with! 

"If 'lyrics' is a game, I win!" (KaTe)


Jonathan Forward wrote: 
>>  I prefer the demo version of Violin, so much so that the version on N4E is not one of my favourites!   Bryan Dongray 
> That's the same feeling I have about "Oh To Be In Love". I find the demo version infinitely more touching. 

SO DO I ! Why's that? Because she was more IN LOVE, perhaps. 

Some other things, I have noticed/corrected: 

The Kick Inside:
The first vers is repeated at the end: 
I've pulled down my lace and the chintz. 
Oh, do you know? You have the face of a genius. 
I'll send your love to Zeus. 
Oh, by the time you read thiiis... 

It Hurts Me: 
If you laughed at me, I'd laugh too. 
*Waltz*, don't you know that I'd be really breaking. 

"Waltz" added! 

Stranded at the Moonbase:
Looking way down below me, 
The worlds are all *awhirl-whirly*. 

I love that! Is this a common slang? 

Oh To Be in Love: 
Oh! To be in love, 
And never get out again. 
Oh! To be in love, 
And never get out again. 
Oh! To be in love, 
*** never get out again. 
 ^ Here's NO "And"! 

Rinfi the Gypsy:
"Don't worry, my dear, 
Don't cry, you weirdo stranger. 

this is "wierdo" not "wierd little" ! 

Btw. what does she mean with the "ooh's" in "And in my lover's ooh.."? She 
sings "ooh", not "room", but why? 
Is it correct, that you tell your parents: "Oh we're just playing Canasta", but 
instead... deeedeedum...
So, she sings "And in my lovers.." - remembers suddenly and "oooh". 
Or so? 

On Fire Inside A Snowball: 
Whenever I look out french windows 
It's always snowing outside. 
And feel your body relax on mine, 
 ^ "And" inserted here. 

Is it you I'm feeling? 
(Yeah)    <=== This is more a positive "Yeah." than a "Yes?"
Is it you I'm feeling? ...

The Craft of Love:
Jittering strangers with smutting hands, 
- Im pretty sure it's "smutting"! 

The Gay Farewell 
On Saturday afternoon 
He was really fine to him. 
But on Saturday evening, 
 ^ "BUT", not "And"! 

On Saturday afternoon 
He was really fine to him. 
But on Saturday evening, 
 ^ "BUT" again!
Queeny, come home soon! 
  ^  "Queeny" not "Queen". 

Organic Acid
first Kate: 
Oh, hush, my friend, asleep, 
And cuddle to the wind. 
And sleep on through the waves 
 ^ "And" inserted. 

later John:
As though photographed on the impact of a stomach punch, 
"punch" added, (see JCB's original). 

Moving (demo version): 
last paragraph corrected: 

How I'm moved. 
How you move me 
With your beauty's potency. 
You give me life. 
Please don't let me go. 
Give me life. 
Please don't let me go. 
Oh, you give me life. 
Please don 'a let me go. 
You crush the lily in my soul. 

Don't Push Your Foot on the Heartbrake (demo version)
She's only herself to blame. 
Remember yourself,    <==========Interesting correction! 
And remember Georgie. 
But she's so O.D.'d on weeping 
She can hardly see 

So far only two people (Emmy and Bryan) have made contributions. But very, 
VERY good ones, see above! Come on, please give it a try! Tell us what YOU hear! 

PDFM, what sayest thou?

And, to get this straight: 
These demos show without the slightest doubt, that God Incarnate is living among 
us! Anyone who is less than absolutely convinced of this is a bloody idiot. 

"Thank you very, very, very, VERY, very much!" (KaTe)