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Re: Has Kate already peaked?

From: (NudeAdGuy)
Date: 17 Jan 1996 14:38:10 -0500
Subject: Re: Has Kate already peaked?
Organization: America Online, Inc. (1-800-827-6364)
Posted-Date: 17 Jan 1996 14:38:10 -0500
References: <4d5cva$>
Reply-To: (NudeAdGuy)

Barnster wrote:
>Can it be that Kate peaked around the period from "The Dreaming" to "The
>Sensual World?"

'Scuse me, Barney, but "Sensual World" is a piece of Dreck. "Red Shoes"
was 100% better, but no, it wasn't as good as her classics, Kick Inside,
Hounds and Dreaming. 

I agree that Kate went way out there with the Dreaming, but that's what
makes it such a great record. Still, you can't make a masterpiece every
time you put something out--otherwise you turn into Mozart and die in your

I've listened to Sensual World a lot in the last six years--each time I
think--is it just me, or is this record a piece of shit? 

Well, it ain't me. And you gotta admit, Kate wailin' on the thrash guitar
on whatever that song is on "Red Shoes" is enough to make you yell, "TOUR,
BABY TOUR! Just don't sing anything from Sensual World, except maybe the
title cut, and then only if you pull me from the audience to act it out
with you.

Come to think of it, wouldn't it be neat if Kate learned how to play blues
like Bonnie Raitt back when nobody bought her albums and she was good?

I do agree with you in one place, Barney--it don't get no worse than
Lionheart. But that wasn't her fault.  (SW is in a close second position,