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Re: What's the worst song of Kate ?

From: (Patrick DESCOURTIS)
Date: 15 Jan 1996 18:02:43 GMT
Subject: Re: What's the worst song of Kate ?
Organization: Internet Way
References: <><4d6kga$> <4db88s$>

        Hi Phillip Sainty,

>>         * For you, what's the worst song of Kate Bush ?
>Well for the worst *version* of a song (I love the original), there's
>no contest: The "Shoedance" mix of "The Red Shoes". I don't know if this
>was Kate's doing, or someone else's, but it was a serious mistake :)

        Mmmhhh... Yes, I never listen it and I don't want ... :)
        But I'm ready to believe you, Kate Bush or her record compagny
        who make a dance remix ... can't be a good Kate's song ...

        Kate do a dance song ...
        Tsst... tsst... it's like if a pig could fly ... ;)
        Absolutly absurd ... :)

        See ya ...

        PS: Oohhhh.... a pig who's flying ... *** FIRE !!! *** :)

                                                        Patrick Descourtis,
                                                       alias ShadowDreamer,