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The First Time I Heard Kate...

From: (Mr Mike)
Date: Thu, 14 Dec 1995 03:56:41
Subject: The First Time I Heard Kate...
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
Organization: Anvil Graphics

A long, foggy time ago...

A lonely, sad young boy curled up in his bed with tears in his 
eyes. Feeling forgotten and riddled with sadness he turned, as 
always, to the radio hidden under his pillow. The small transistor 
provided an escape from the cold reality of his world. If the 
weather was just right, from his little bedroom in Buffalo, he 
could pick up far away places on the AM band...Detroit, Memphis, 
Chicago and Toronto to name a few. He found comfort in listening to 
those distant voices, crackling and squeaking from hundreds of 
miles away. Listening to those people talking in the middle of the 
night made him think of better places and warmer people. One night 
(he would swear it was in 1975), while listening to a station in 
Detroit, he heard a voice. Melodic and sad. Moving sweetly and 
softly across the haunting chords of a piano. An angel was singing 
to him about a man with the child in his eyes. And for a moment, he 
imagined that the sweet voice was singing to him, and all the 
imagined horrors of his adolescence melted away. The music went 
right to his heart, and filled it with hope. But before he could 
find out who it was, the station crackled and faded away. 

Those chords and sweet voice haunted the back rooms of his mind for 
many years. Until one day, years later, in the video store a face 
on a box caught his attention...Those eyes! Reading the back of the 
box, he saw a title that read "The Man With The Child In His 
Eyes"...Could this be true? Could this be the girl he heard so many 
years ago? No! It must be a remake! It couldn't be! He rushed home 
and threw the tape in the VCR. It was her! God! Those haunting 
lyrics were just as he remembered. He was captivated! After this, 
he runs out and buys all the Kate Bush albums he can find (Which 
aren't in the USA) and becomes a devout Kate-a-holic. 

This boy grew into a man and with the assistance of his precocious 
five year old daughter, Kate (who has a strangely haunting voice as 
well) records songs in his basement in hopes that someday they will 
be heard over some crackly radio by some lonely young kid with 
tears in thier eyes who needs to know that someone is out there...

And they are not alone...

Thank you Kate

For everything....