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Re: O(+> and Kate Bush

From: John Rose <>
Date: 13 Dec 1995 07:31:04 GMT
Subject: Re: O(+> and Kate Bush
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Sender: (Richard BREITNER) wrote:

>Does anybody know how O(+> and Kate did "Why should I love U" on
>Kate's last release "The red shoes" ?
> I deeply admired both artists because they both created their own
>worlds. However, I feel somewhat frustrated with this duet, because
>I think their two universes didn't really mix on that track.

[some stuff deleted here, by jr]

> It's like, say: they recorded
>their own parts alone in the studio and mixed them later. I don't feel
>really communication and talent sharing like in, say Peter Gabriel's
>"Don't give up". In that one, Peter's and Kate's duet makes me chilled
>to the bone everytime.
> Anybody wants to discuss that ?

to Richard, meditate upon this: "Cerebration is the enemy of Art" ( no - that's not a 
typo for "ceLebration" )
If Kate took no risks, she'd be Billy Ray Cyrus with a high voice.