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Re: Things have a way of repeating themselves...

From: "Chris Hansen" <>
Date: Tue, 28 Nov 1995 21:31:06 +0000
Subject: Re: Things have a way of repeating themselves...
Comments: Authenticated sender is <>
Priority: normal

Thanks to you, Stormin' Norman, for a prompt yet complete answer  to 
a question I might have been able to figure out... eventually.  
Regardless, you did a bang-up job and I greatly appreciate it.  Now, 
I gotta get upstairs and pull out the disc for a re-listen.

On another note:   I purchased a KaTe Bush picture disc of the single 
'and so is love' with the u.s. mix of rubberband girl on the back.  
It also includes a '...Giant Fly-poster...'.  I'm afraid to open the 
plastic for fear I'll damage it (not unlikely, since I can be a bit 
thoughtless and scatter-brained) so I'll pose the question - Has 
anyone heard of this and what is an aproximate value?  I'm not 
planning on re-sale, mind you, I just want to know how much money I'm 
destroying when I drop something on it and shatter it into a 
bajillion pieces.

Again, thanks in advance (I sure hope this question isn't as easily 
located as Stormin' Norman said the last one was.  I may have to go 
back to permanent lurker mode).

the inquisitive one