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The Kabal

Date: Thu, 19 Jan 1995 22:34:01 -0500
Subject: The Kabal

Karen Newcombe should certainly be mentioned among
members of this cabal!

 > Start reading 85's and 86's digests in the archives, 
 > and you'll find |>oug /\lan and IED arguing over this 
 > in a HUGE way which most definitely hasn't been
 > reached at all in recent years. 

IED cannot advocate that newer discussants read the dialogue
in question!  

 > Doug and Andy, 
 > correct me if I'm wrong, but these 'arguments' are 
 > not THAT serious. It's the kind of arguments that are
 > usually fought out with great pleasure on both sides. 

IED for one certainly does take these arguments
seriously.  He cannot say the same, alas, of Andrew Marvick,
who frequently annoys the present writer with flip asides of
questionable intelligence.

 > Noone, not even IED or Doug, would seriously want to offend
 > anyone who thinks that Kate's instrumental cover 
 > version of Candle In The Wind is The Single Greatest 
 > Piece Of Music In The Entire Universe.

Indeed not: it is a commendably reasonable judgement.

-- Andrew Marvick (IED)